Is the Zimmerlinde susceptible to disease?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Vortrag Basisches Wasser | Karl Heinz Asenbaum | alle bis 2014 bekannten Fakten
Video: Vortrag Basisches Wasser | Karl Heinz Asenbaum | alle bis 2014 bekannten Fakten


A well-maintained Zimmerlinde will almost never get sick

Is the Zimmerlinde susceptible to disease?

The relatively easy-to-clean room linden tree is not very susceptible to diseases and / or pests, yet both occasionally occur. The reasons are different, mostly the location is unsuitable or the care has some (small) mistakes.

Which illnesses is the most common?

If you understand all deviations from the normal state of illness in your Zimmerlinde, then sheet loss and discoloration belong to it.If it is poured with too cold water or too much, then it sheds its leaves, but also in case of waterlogging, lack of water or drafts.

If the leaves of the Zimmerlinde turn yellow, then they obviously suffer from a defect. Either it was not poured enough or fertilized too little, but maybe both are true. Bring your negligence immediately after, then recover the Zimmerlinde again. In case of a lack of light, the bloom of your Zimmerlinde is delayed or it stays off.

If your Zimmerlinde gets brown spots on the leaves or if they turn brown completely, then the plant is sure to get sunburned. She should not be standing in an unshaded south window. She is welcome to move to the garden or the balcony in the summer, but even here she can not tolerate any blazing sun, although she is very hungry for light.

Diseases of the Zimmerlinde:

Does the house linden often suffer from pests?

Depending on the season and location, the house linden suffers more or less from an infestation with pests. If your room lime tree is outside in the garden or on the balcony in summer, there are relatively frequent aphids and aphids, as well as the white fly.

Overwinter your Zimmerlinde in an inappropriate place, then an infestation with sign, leaf or lubricating lice can occur. In this case the plant is probably too dark and / or too warm. Because Zimmerlinden like it rather cool and very bright.

Possible pests in the Zimmerlinde:


At the right location and with a minimum of care, your Zimmerlinde should stay healthy and grow quickly.