This way, the fencing of the weeds transforms into a lush summer flower

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Gardeners World 2021 episode 23
Video: Gardeners World 2021 episode 23


The strongly proliferating Zaunwicke is not always welcome

This way, the fencing of the weeds transforms into a lush summer flower

The fence vetch is well on its way to shaking off its reputation as a weed. Thanks to the pretty flowers and the dense foliage dress, hobby gardeners in the natural garden are well aware of the advantages of the climbing butterfly plant. Although it is a wild plant, proper care benefits growth and flowering. Read here on frequently asked questions compact answers directly from the garden practice.

Plant the fenewicks properly

The hand-picked or ready-bought seedlings take their place in the garden from mid-May. In the sunny, warm location, you can lift small pits at a distance of 10-12 cm. One-third of the excavated material is mixed with compost and horn shavings. Before you plug the fence weeds, soak the root balls in water. Then peel off the seed pots to plant a Vicia in each pit down to the lower leaf pair with the enriched substrate. Tie the lower tendrils to the climbing aid so that young shoots take on the desired growth direction. If the struts of a fence are too far apart, cover them with a wire mesh. Thanks to this assistance, the Zaunwicke finds the necessary support for rapid growth.
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care Tips

The care program is based on a balanced water and nutrient balance, supplemented with two measures for a bushy-compact growth and a lavish flowering abundance. How to do it right:

Cut off all withered flowers promptly, so that the after-flowering can unfold. In addition, you multiply the shoots of exfoliated Vicia sepium, so that Adventivwurzeln form for optimal supply of the next flowers and improved stability.
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Which location is suitable?

In the sunny, warm and sheltered location, the fence piles entwine diligently skyward. In particular, choose a wind-protected layer so that the pretty flower and leaves dress is not disheveled or the tendrils lose their grip. Plant or sow the wild plant ideally along a garden fence in the nutrient-rich, humus and fresh soil.
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Which soil does the plant need?

Choose the soil condition at the site, considering the high nutrient requirements of a fencing ply. In addition, the soil should be loose, humus and well drained. Give fresh-moist garden soil preference over sandy-dry soil and avoid layers with threatening waterlogging.
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When is flowering time?

The flowering period extends from May to October. This floral bravura accomplishes the Zaunwicke always when you regularly wipe out the withered flowers. Otherwise, the wild plant invests its energy in the exhausting growth of the slightly poisonous pods, which is at the expense of the flowers.
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Cut fence vetch properly

Carefully cut out the withered flowers. Remove the flowers along with the very short stems so that the buds underneath find their way to the sunlight. Do not wait with the plastering until the legumes form. This process costs a Zaunwicke so much power that the bloom remains on the track. After the first frost, the above-ground parts of the plant freeze reliably. Optionally, rake them in the spring or cut off the shoots near the ground.
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Pour the fence pith

The fence vetch is a thirsty plant. Therefore, pour regularly and extensively if the rainfall is insufficient. So that it does not come to waterlogging, check beforehand by thumb sample, if the upper 1-2 cm of the earth are dried. It is beneficial for the vitality of a fencing ply when it is alternately poured with soft and normal water.
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Fertilize fenewicks properly

In order to produce the opulent flower and foliage dress, a regular supply of nutrients is indispensable. Fertilize the fence vetch with compost every 14 days from May to September. An advantage is a mulch layer of leaves and grass clippings, which permanently supplies the hard-working soil organisms replenishment. Overspill the earth repeatedly with nettle gushes, give the climber a new impetus.
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Increase fencing

The propagation of Vicia sepium succeeds quite simply by sowing. Leave some flowers on the plant from July to allow the pods to thrive with the seeds. In autumn, harvest the legumes, remove the seeds and dry them in the airy place. Please consider the poison content in this work and refrain from nibbling on the pea-like seeds. At the end of february / beginning of march you sow like this:

On the partially shaded window seat at 15-18 degrees Celsius keep the substrate slightly damp. Maintain the seedlings until planting time begins in mid-May.
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Is Zaunwicke poisonous?

While the flowers and young shoots of a fence can be consumed without hesitation, this does not apply to the fruits. The pods with the seeds in them should not be eaten, as they are slightly poisonous. Even smaller amounts can cause a sensitive stomach with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Cut the withered flowers in time to prevent the growth of toxic legumes.
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Is the fence vetch edible?

Their high protein content makes the fences an interesting wild vegetable for the near-natural kitchen. Not only bees and butterflies fly to the Vicia sepium to feast on the rich nectar. The flowers and young shoots are excellent for the human palate. As an addition to the salad or as an edible decoration of sparkling wine, water and fruit juices, the flowers have made a name for themselves. The tender shoots surprise with a mild aroma reminiscent of young peas. In contrast, the legumes with the seeds contained therein are not suitable for consumption because they are slightly toxic.
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Our ancestors re-enacted magic fences. Who holds the plant in his hands, on the other hand, people always have to tell the truth. In addition, custom means that with this plant you will fly the hearts of others and make friends easier. Last but not least, the consumption of flowers and shoots should give people courage and strength. At least the latter could not be completely out of thin air in view of the high protein and vitamin content of a Zaunwicke.
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