Do I have to prune my winter jasmine regularly?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Prune Back Winter Jasmine : Fall & Winter Gardening Tips
Video: How to Prune Back Winter Jasmine : Fall & Winter Gardening Tips


Winter jasmine needs no pruning in principle

Do I have to prune my winter jasmine regularly?

The easy-care winter jasmine does not need a regular cut to thrive well, but it tolerates it very well. So he branches out better and forms plenty of new shoots, where he can flower in the next winter.

Previous article How to maintain your winter jasmine - the best tips and tricks Next article To multiply your winter jasmine - the best tips and tricks

When is the best time for pruning?

If the flowering time is over in April, then the right time for the pruning has come. Winter jasmine flowers at annual shoots, not at old ones. Shorten the shoots to about one-fifth of their previous length, then drive the plant out again. Your winter jasmine quickly reached its old size again, because it is very vigorous.

Older plants should be pruned approximately every three years to keep in good shape and to develop enough flowering shoots. If you have not or only slightly circumcised your winter jasmine for some years, then it may also be a radical cut. The plant recovers from it quite quickly.

If you forget about the pruning in the spring, you do not have to wait until next year. The winter jasmine tolerates a cut in the summer. Then you should not be too radical, so that your winter jasmine next winter has some shoots, where flowers form.

Crop winter jasmine in bucket

A regular cut, especially the winter jasmine in the bucket well tolerated, so it is not too expansive. Give the plant a support, then it reaches a height of up to 2 m. Without the help of a trellis it will only be about half as big. If the winter jasmine in the bucket is too big for you, then it may also be cut back radically.

Cutting winter jasmine for the vase

You can cut winter jasmine very well also for the vase. The best time for this is just before the flowers open. Depending on the weather, this may already be the case in December or only in January.

Cut some shoots of your winter jasmine with lots of buds. Since the winter jasmine has no foliage at this time, combine the branches with some fir green or branches of evergreen plants. So you have a nice winter bouquet for your home, ideally even for Christmas.

The most important tips for cutting winter jasmine:


Cut off a beautiful winter bouquet from your winter jasmine combined with green branches.