Fight mildew on the hornbeam

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cuckoo song, and Fusicolla merismoides, an orange slime mold on Carpinus betulus
Video: Cuckoo song, and Fusicolla merismoides, an orange slime mold on Carpinus betulus


Mildew-affected areas should be removed as soon as possible

Fight mildew on the hornbeam

If the leaves of the hornbeam discolour whitish or show spots, this is mostly due to mildew. The spores of the harmful fungus make especially younger trees or hornbeam hedges to create.

When does mildew appear on hornbeams?

There are two types of mildew: powdery mildew and downy mildew.

Powdery mildew occurs especially in very dry summers, while downy mildew occurs after a cool, rainy spring.

Cut out affected areas generously. Collect the fallen leaves. Dispose of all plant parts in the household waste and then clean all garden equipment and your hands carefully.


There are a variety of fungi that cause mildew. Which harmful fungus is involved in a special case can only be clarified in the laboratory. If you use a fungicide, make sure it fights a whole range of fungi.