The hornbeam is not evergreen

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Evergreen Week: Home Education Nature Workshop
Video: Evergreen Week: Home Education Nature Workshop


Hornbeams lose their leaves in winter

The hornbeam is not evergreen

Many gardeners believe that the hornbeam is an evergreen tree. That is a mistake. It was created because the leaves of the hornbeam often hang on the tree until spring. That's why hornbeams, as well as beech trees, provide quite good privacy throughout the year.

Hornbeams are deciduous deciduous trees

The hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) is just like the European beech (Fagus silvatica) a special case among the deciduous deciduous trees. It looks like an evergreen tree, because the foliage often gets stuck in the spring. Only with the renewal in spring the remaining leaves fall off.

Leaves only fall in spring

The shoot of hornbeam begins in March, when the first leaf buds show on the shoots. Until then, many of the old leaves still hang on the tree.

As soon as the leaf buds begin to open, the leaves of the previous year also fall off.

That's why hornbeam is very suitable as a hedge plant

Because of their peculiarity, hornbeams and beech trees are very suitable and popular as hedge plants.

Hedges of red beech or hornbeam also provide a pretty good visual protection in winter, because the now brown leaves are still hanging on the tree.

They are then dried out and not green anymore, but that is enough for the privacy. In addition, it hibernate small garden beneficials.

Do not sweep leaves, but leave them lying

If the hornbeam loses its leaves in winter and spring, you should not sweep it away, but leave it under the tree or the hedge.

The leaves form a mulch cover, which has many advantages:

However, they should only leave leaves under the hornbeam, which are completely healthy. You must dispose of leaves that have been attacked by mildew or pests, as this will overwhelm fungal spores and pests. By removing them, you prevent diseases from spreading further.


The color of hornbeam changes steadily throughout the year. In the spring appear tender green leaves, which become strong medium green in the summer. The autumn foliage is bright yellow and hangs brown in winter and dries up on the hornbeam.