Pomegranate - source of vitamins for the cold season

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Start Eating 1 Pomegranate Every Day, See What Happens to Your Body
Video: Start Eating 1 Pomegranate Every Day, See What Happens to Your Body


Pomegranate - source of vitamins for the cold season

At the end of the summer, the unsightly-looking fruits appear in the fruit shops with leathery, cracked, irregular red colored peel - the pomegranate season begins. Throughout the winter we can enjoy the healthy fruits.

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The connoisseurs know that with a pomegranate - in contrast to the conventional apple - does not count the beautiful appearance. The solid shell protects the juicy, pressure-sensitive seeds with the sweet-sweet taste. The shell is usually reddish, light orange to yellowish or brownish in color and often spotty. The tastiest fruits often look anything but nice from the outside.

Origin and distribution

The pomegranate tree is a very old fruit tree, whose origin is suspected in West Asia and which is cultivated in many countries with tropical and subtropical climate from southeastern Europe to the Himalayas. Punica granatum is a robust, small-sized tree or shrub that loves dry, sunny and warm. Its fruits are harvested when fully ripe, they do not ripen.

Cultivation countries and harvest time

For the German market, the pomegranates come from the Mediterranean, mainly from Spain and Turkey. In addition, the pomegranates are also imported from India, Peru, Iran, Israel, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Cyprus and Greece. In the period between June and December, the ripe pomegranates are harvested in the growing countries, the peak season is between September and December. Pomegranates from Turkey can be bought until early February.

Tips & Tricks

The pomegranates can be stored for several weeks at room temperature and even for a few months when cooled and exposed to high humidity.

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