Is the meadowfoam edible?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
This Plant Really Does It All! ~ Heal-all (Prunella vulgaris)
Video: This Plant Really Does It All! ~ Heal-all (Prunella vulgaris)


Meadowfoam is a delicious herb

Is the meadowfoam edible?

Meadowfoam is one of the so-called wild herbs. At the ideal location, it spreads quite fast. With its delicate flowers in white, pink or pale violet, however, it is also a pretty sight.

Where does meadowfoam grow?

As the name suggests, meadowfoam grows on meadows, but it should be wet. An old name of this plant is "Hungerkraut". That too is not unfounded, because where the meadowfoam grows well, less grass grows and there is less hay for the livestock.

When and how do you harvest meadowfoam herb?

In the months of April and May, you may prefer to collect the meadowfoam herb on damp meadows, in sparse forests or along roadsides. When collecting on roadsides, make sure that there are not many vehicles on the road, dogs are not being driven, and no fields next to them are being sprayed with pesticides or artificial fertilizers.

The above-ground herb is collected before the flower forms. Do not tear the herb off but cut it off with sharp scissors. The younger the leaves, the milder they taste. However, it should never be consumed in large quantities at once, because then it has an irritating effect on the stomach and kidneys.

How can you use meadowfoam herb?

The meadowfoam is usually freshly used and not dried. If necessary, cut the leaves small. They taste great on a sandwich or in a fresh salad. You can also season soups or sauces very well.

It is best to add the frothy herb to the hot dishes after cooking. Mixed with other herbs, meadowfoam herb is also very suitable for the preparation of herbal butter, herbal quark or other herb dishes. The flowers can be used as an edible decoration. Meadowfoam herb can also be used to prepare tea for spring fatigue and to boost your immune system.

The most important thing about meadowfoam herb:


The meadowfoam herb is not only non-toxic but a delicacy, for example, on a simple sandwich.