Fertilize the sweetgrower - time, distances, means and more

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fertilize the sweetgrower - time, distances, means and more - Garden
Fertilize the sweetgrower - time, distances, means and more - Garden


The fallen leaves serve the Amberbaum in the nature as fertilizer

Fertilize the sweetgrower - time, distances, means and more

The Amberbaum is in this country an ornamental tree for public parks and all those gardeners who have plenty of space. It works best on open surfaces as a solitaire. But if he suffers from a lack of nutrients, he loses much of its attractiveness.

Nutrient-rich soil is preferred

A nutrient-rich substrate meets the taste of the sweetgum tree. Therefore, regular fertilization is one of the main aspects of the care and especially in a Kübelhaltung. Without nutrients, the sweetgum looks old. Its growth suffers as well as its susceptibility to disease.

The sweetgum fertilizes itself

Nobody comes in nature and fertilizes the sweetgum. Why? Because he is fertilized among others by his falling foliage. But this is made up by native gardeners here for regulatory-loving reasons and promoted to the compost. If you value simplicity, leave the foliage behind.

The period - May to August

Anyone who wants to resort to fertilizer, should not ignore the pasen period for it. The sweetgum should not be fertilized before May. He can receive fertilizer at regular intervals until August.

Do not fertilize after September!

By the middle of September at the latest, the sweetgum tree should no longer be fertilized. Those who do it nevertheless risk that the shoots of the tree can not mature properly.The result: Frost damage through the winter time. Frozen shoots must then be cut off in the spring.

The distances between the fertilizer inputs and the fertilizer quantities

Basically, the sweetgum is not particularly demanding in terms of fertilization. It is enough for him to get fertilizer every 2 weeks. And even if you forget that, it does not hurt him. Until a nutrient deficiency makes itself noticeable, it takes several months for potted plants. Dose the fertilizer sparingly!

Suitable fertilizers for outdoor and potted plants

This must be taken into account when choosing fertilizers:


When planting, it is advisable to add compost to the soil!