Planting wormwood - what should be considered?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What is Wormwood? Clearpath School of Herbal Medicine
Video: What is Wormwood? Clearpath School of Herbal Medicine


Planting wormwood - what should be considered?

This bitterweed leads a shadowy existence in gardens. It is extremely easy to maintain, undemanding and easy to plant. In addition, it has a positive impact on health when consumed. But what should be considered when growing vermouth?

Early article Vermouth: Which varieties are there?

When is wormwood sown?

Between the spring and summer wormwood can be sown at any time. The sowing should take place at the earliest from the middle of April. If you want to harvest leaves in the same year, you should sow the seeds by the end of May at the latest. For the harvest in the following year, the herb can be sown until August.

How is the sowing done?

If you've got seeds of wormwood, they can easily germinate them regardless of the variety. That's how it's done:

Which location would the herb desire?

Absinthe should be planted in a warm place, regardless of the variety. This should give the plant many hours of sunshine per day. Most suitable are protected locations, which are aligned in the southeast to southwest.

The soil may be sandy or gritty. This is why ideal locations for the vermouth can be found in rockeries. Furthermore, the herb can make friends with a lean substrate. Lime tolerates it to a certain extent. Likewise, it can handle a dry soil. Meaningful the plant is a well-drained substrate because it does not tolerate waterlogging.

When does the harvest take place?

For eight years, vermouth can stand at its location and be harvested. The harvest can start in April and extend to fall. It is recommended not to harvest all the leaves at once. Besides them, the flowers are edible and can be dried, for example.

Tips & Tricks

Plant the vermouth offside because of its root exudates, which are poorly tolerated by other plants. Only cranesbill, cloves and lamprey grass are compatible with it.