Insert grape leaves and create delicious food

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
BEST Lebanese Stuffed Grape Leaves!
Video: BEST Lebanese Stuffed Grape Leaves!


Pickled grape leaves can be used in many ways

Insert grape leaves and create delicious food

A vine leaves every year a part of its leaves when cutting fall to the ground. The green foliage is too good for the compost heap, because along with a few other ingredients, it makes for a delicious meal. Inlaid, the grape leaves are even always ready for the cooking pot.

Grape leaves as cooking ingredient

Grape leaves are not a typical ingredient in the local cuisine. But meanwhile, they have tried many people in Mediterranean restaurants or during a holiday in Greece. One or the other got the taste of the green leaves. To enjoy the finely rolled dolmades more often, does not always have to be a expensive restaurant visit. With simple recipes from the internet and a few grape leaves you can also conjure up delicious dishes at home.

Buy or insert yourself?

If you do not have access to fresh grape leaves, you must buy this ingredient in a supermarket. There, the leaves are offered only inlaid in this country. However, if you have your own vine in the garden or a vine owner knows, sits directly at the fresh and free source. But in the summertime, it's not just about taking advantage of the hour and cooking with fresh grape leaves. It also means that it is the right time to book a sheet for the rest of the year. This is most easily done by inserting.

Suitable grape leaves

A vine exerts countless leaves during the growing season.Depending on the region, the first leaves sprout as of May, when no frost is to be feared and temperatures rise. Until November, the vine adorns itself with its leaves dress, which then assumes a yellow color.
From this lusciously populated leaves dress it is important to select the tastiest leaves:


Use only grape leaves from vines that have not been previously sprayed so that you do not use any polluting substances with them.

The best time for loading

The insertion of the grape leaves can be combined with the summery cut in time. But it is also possible to use the leaves at any time. Picking up the required amount does not harm the plant. When exactly the tender green leaves show, is also connected with the current weather. That's why it's important to be mindful of the optimal time. In the meantime, you can already get some glasses.

Recipe for pickled grape leaves

For a glass jar of about 500 ml you need the following ingredients:

You are welcome to fill several glasses with grape leaves and you only need to increase the indicated amounts.


    Free all grape leaves from the stems. Heat water in a large pot. Put in a portion of grape leaves as soon as the water boils. Blanch the leaves only briefly and then let them spread on kitchen paper to cool and dry. Blanch all the remaining leaves as well. Lay 5 sheets on top of each other and roll them into a small package. Put the packets in the jar. If you like, add garlic. Boil the water with the salt. Add some cumin. Allow the brine to cool before filling it with glass. Store the well-closed glass in a cool and dry place.


The brine keeps the pickled vine leaves for months. If necessary, individual packages can be removed from the glass for cooking. The important thing is to remove them with a clean fork and then close the glass immediately.

Conclusion for fast readers: