Sweet corn harvest: harvest time, harvest sign and use

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
when to harvest sweet corn
Video: when to harvest sweet corn


Black threads on sweet corn are a sign that it is ripe

Sweet corn harvest: harvest time, harvest sign and use

The sweet corn - from the end of June, he has literally shot up. Then he has flowered and now he carries his big butts. But are they ready for the harvest now?

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Harvest time: Depending on the variety between the end of July and October

Do you grow sweetcorn to eat it or do you want to get seed? Depending on this, the sweetcorn has to ripen for different lengths of time. To harvest seeds, the corn cobs must dry on the plant. The outer leaves are then brown. This is usually the case between August and October.

Many varieties can already be harvested at the end of July for consumption. Late-maturing varieties develop their correct maturity between September and October. Basically it can be said that it takes 90 to 100 days from sowing to harvest. The flasks are ripe for three weeks after flowering.

By this you can see the maturity of the pistons!

Recognize the ripe flesh of sweetcorn on the following features:

What is milk maturity?

Test the milk ripeness by carving a corn kernel with a fingernail or a knife. If a milky white juice comes out, the harvest time has come for the consumption. On the other hand, if a clear and watery juice comes out, the pistons are still immature. Once the flasks have hardened, it is too late for consumption - the perfect time to harvest seeds.

How is harvested?

The flasks are simply broken off the plant or cut off with a knife. You do not have to be careful. Sweetcorn is annual and is composted after harvest. For seed extraction, the flasks are hung up to dry after harvesting.

Use the sweetcorn


Mostly 2 to 3 crop rounds are necessary, as not all pistons mature at the same time.