Cutting the sedge: less is more

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
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If the sedge is too rough or too big, a pruning can help

Cutting the sedge: less is more

As ornamental grasses, they are especially popular for riparian zones, rockeries, heather gardens and in tub culture on the terrace, the sedges. They are considered undemanding in the care. But do you need a pruning or can the scissors be kept in the drawer?

Previous article The correct care of the sedge Next article With these characteristics, sedges are easy to determine!

Sedges do not necessarily need a pruning

Regardless of which type of sedge it is - as ornamental grasses sedges do not necessarily need a pruning to look well groomed. Old leaves and stalks simply die off over time and rot. But under certain circumstances, a pruning can be useful ...

Too wide, too shaggy - a cut is now appropriate

For several reasons it may be advisable to cut a sedge. These include, in particular, the following points:

How to cut and when?

The sedge is cut back to the ground (5 cm above the ground). She can handle a pruning well. The best time for the pruning has come in the spring. Be sure to cut back the plant before it sprouts fresh! Otherwise you could remove new shoots by cutting.

Use a sharp and clean pruning shears! Alternatively, you can also cut with a knife or a hedge trimmer. Gather the stalks with your hands. Then you take the scissors or the knife by the hand and cut the blades with a cut. Now the straws are disposed of. Finished!

It takes time for the grass to get through well again. Patience is required ... If you do not want to wait so long, just clear the sedge. You can do this all year round on frost-free days.

Avoid injuries by wearing gloves

Typical for sedges: their leaves are extremely sharp-edged. Those who get too close to them without protection will have to expect injuries. Therefore, when cutting back this plant, be sure to wear gardening gloves as a precaution!


If the sedge halves in the middle, a cut does not always help. Then it is better to share the plant in the spring. As a result, it is again vigorously redoing.