How do I design a garden entrance?

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
How to Landscape a Front Entrance of a Home Designers Landscape#710
Video: How to Landscape a Front Entrance of a Home Designers Landscape#710


Many plants at the garden entrance are inviting

How do I design a garden entrance?

It is not common everywhere to fence your own garden and distinguish yourself so clearly from your neighbors. Do you have small children or a dog, but that makes sense. Then the garden entrance should be designed accordingly.

The garden gate

Not every garden needs a garden gate. However, it can do more than just complete the garden, because it also has a decorative function. However, it is important to prevent small children or dogs from walking unhindered onto the street. Cats can not be stopped by a gate.

Unobtrusive acts a garden gate, which consists of the same material and was made in the same pattern as the adjacent fence. A decorative wicket, on the other hand, can be very inviting. But it does not always have to be a gate, even a pergola or a rose arch can be very inviting.

The garden path

Behind the garden gate usually begins the garden path. This can be paved, built of wood, but also with gravel or bark mulch. Use the material of your choice, but make sure that the garden entrance and path form a unity and harmonize with each other.

If this path leads to the entrance to the house, then plan it so wide that it will be enough for two people, possibly even packed with shopping bags. Roughly calculated, it should be about 1.20 m to 1.80 m wide. Also recommended is a good attachment, because he should be safe and easy to commit in any weather.

The essentials in brief:


Make sure that the garden entrance forms a harmonious unit with the garden path behind it, and that both are inviting together.