When is the best time to plant raspberries?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Plant Raspberries - Soil Prep, Growing & Caring for your Raspberry Plants
Video: How to Plant Raspberries - Soil Prep, Growing & Caring for your Raspberry Plants


When is the best time to plant raspberries?

If you want to plant new raspberries in the garden, you should plan this work for the fall. This is the best planting time for young raspberry shrubs. You then have enough time to root before going into hibernation.

When is the best raspberry planting season?

The best way to grow raspberries is to put them in the garden in the fall. Then the sun does not shine so much and dries up the young plants.

On a well-prepared soil, the root cuttings or offshoots have enough time to form new roots.

Autumn raspberries, whose fruits grow on annual wood, already bear the first fruits in the following autumn and can be harvested.

Plant raspberries in spring

If you have missed the best planting time for your raspberries, you can still plant raspberries in early spring if necessary.

However, the time until the first flowering and therefore the first harvest is too short.

Raspberries planted in spring can only be harvested in the second year.

The right soil preparation

So plant new raspberries

Whether autumn or spring planting: A good soil preparation is the nuts and bolts of raspberry farming. This applies to both summer raspberries and autumn raspberries.

Choose a sunny, sheltered location with a well-drained, nutritious soil.

Plant the seedlings in the prepared soil and provide a scaffold to which you can tie them later.

Protect young raspberries from frost

Raspberries are hardy. Nevertheless, when planting in the fall, you should ensure a slight winter protection. The plants then grow better.

Spread straw, fir branches or a layer of mature compost on the bed.

Tips & Tricks

If you plan to plant new raspberry bushes, prepare the soil in good time. Plant a green manure such as bee pasture or mustard seed on the planned site in August, which will undermine it before planting. As a result, the soil remains free of weeds, is deeply loosened and at the same time provided with new nutrients.