Plant rosehip

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to grow Rosehips – From Planting to Harvest and Uses
Video: How to grow Rosehips – From Planting to Harvest and Uses


Plant rosehip

Rosehips are often processed into jam or tea and are enchanted by their bright red color. They are really healthy and contain a lot of vitamin C. If you want to plant a rose hip, you should choose the widespread hedge or dog rose, because it produces especially many fruits.

The choice of the right plants

You get a rich harvest with the varieties Richard Strauss, Puccini or Wilhelm. Mandarin roses are known for their large fruits and if you have limited space in the garden you can plant small shrubs such as Snow Star or Juanito. Before planting it is important to find a suitable seedling. These are offered in specialist shops. Alternatively, separate the root shoots from a shrub and replant them. Also the sowing is possible, but is not recommended because of the long germination time.

What claims the rosehip represents

The demands on the substrate are not high. The dog rose best thrives on a calcareous soil. Ideal is also a location that is very sunny. It thrives even in partial shade, but the rose hip is not suitable for planting a house wall in the north. As the shrub grows vigorously you should keep a planting distance of at least 1.5 meters. The shrub can grow up to three meters high. The shadier the location, the more the rosehip grows upwards. You can therefore climb the plant on a trellis or other shrub. Under a tree, however, she is not in good hands because of the shadow.

How to plant the rosehip

It is best to plant the rosehip in autumn. Loosen up the underground well and enrich the soil with compost, mineral fertilizer or manure. For example, you can mix the excavation for the planting hole with compost. After planting, pile some soil around the shrub and water vigorously. If the ground is very hard and firm you should loosen it regularly. When planting the planting is important. They cut the shoots down to a few buds. On strong shoots leave four to five buds, on weak shoots only two to three. If the uppermost buds stand out after the cut, the rosehip grows in a nice, loose shape.