Lantana trees thrive in the summer garden

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: Lantana


The sunnier the Lantana stands, the more changing flowers it bears

Lantana trees thrive in the summer garden

They are the floral hit in the summer garden and on the balcony. Lantans seduce us when they seem to change the color of their exotic flower costume as they wish. The following answers to frequently asked questions explain in detail how you can also enjoy the graceful play of colors.

Plant the change roses correctly

In the middle / end of May, plant a young Lantana in a sufficiently large bucket or planter so that no repotting is required during the year. Our tip: Also put varieties for the bed in a pot that you sink in the ground. This will bring you out in the fall to overwinter the ornamental shrub frost-free. A structurally stable potting soil, pervious and nutrient-rich, fill in only if you have inserted potsherds as drainage above the bottom opening. Meanwhile, the still potted root ball is soaked in soft water until no more air bubbles rise. Preserve the previous planting depth when you put the now patched Lantana camara in the ground. A well-measured sip of lime-free water professionally completes the planting process.
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care Tips

You will experience a lantana in the best floral form, when the distinctive flowering woodland receives this care program:

In autumn, cut off the remaining flowers as well as any berry fruits to give the ornamental wood with pot and flower box. In the bright location, overwintering succeeds at temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. Pour less and do not use fertilizer from October to February. In February / March, trim the tropical flowering shrubs by up to 75 percent and repot the plant into fresh substrate.
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Which location is suitable?

Their picturesque play of color is only possible in the sunny and warm location of lantana. If the daily yield of sun rays is more than 4 hours, you can look forward to a never-ending flowering season from spring to far into autumn. The exotic ornamental shrubs only take their place in the open air when the temperatures permanently exceed the 15-degree mark.
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The right planting distance

With the professional dimensioning of the planting distance the special growth behavior of the Wandelröschens comes into the focus. Most Lantana camara of the popular hybrid series Bandana, Esperanta or Tropic thrive more than twice as wide as high. The beauties of the Luxor series even exceed their stature height by a factor of three. With a planting distance of 40-50 cm you are in the bed just right. For cultivation in the balcony box reduce this value by 5-8 cm.
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Which soil does the plant need?

A noble flowering wood should not be confronted with cheap potting soil from the discounter. In order for the Lantana to show off its magical play of colors to perfection, a high-quality potted plant soil with a pH value of 6.0 to 6.5 is short-listed. Well proven is the unit earth ED73 Classic with natural clay and white peat. For cultivating in a large bucket, the pot substrate CL Perl Classic comes into focus, structurally stable and with high air capacity for the roots. A premium-quality earth is offered by Gepac B & B, with high-quality components and extra insects for the prevention of leaf chlorosis.
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What is the best planting time?

The Lantana found its way to us from the sunny, warm tropical regions of this earth. Accordingly, the ornamental shrubbery reacts to cold. The time window for planting opens only when the mercury column exceeds the 15-degree mark permanently. In Central Europe, this is the case from mid / end of May at the earliest.
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When is flowering time?

Lantana lives up to its reputation as a perennial flowering plant from May to October. To maintain this flower festival over the long period of time, the woodland certainly needs your horticultural backing. Cut out the withered flowers regularly, because underneath there are already the next buds in waiting position. Please use a sharp, disinfected pair of scissors, as the shoots grow in the course of the season.
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Cut change roses correctly

In the course of the summer growth and flowering period, the secateurs will only be used if you cut off the withered flowers. Otherwise, the Lantana would like to rest. The only exception is a cut of the most beautiful flower stems for the vase or bouquet. To do this, cut shoots with just opened flowers for a long shelf life. The central form and conservation cut receives the flowering wood in February / March, when the hibernation nears the end. At this time cut off the shoots by up to two-thirds. The more courageous you go to work, the more abundant the next flowering will be, as the Verbena plant always blooms on this year's shoots. When cutting, please note that the scissors are placed a few millimeters above an outward sleeping eye. A sleeping eye can be recognized as a slight thickening under the bark.
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Pour cloves

Do not allow the substrate to dry out. The sunnier the location, the thirstier is the lantana. However, do not water until the surface of the soil has dried to prevent waterlogging. On hot summer days, it is not uncommon for the plant to be watered early in the morning and again in the evenings. Please use mostly soft water, as the tropical beauty knows it from their home.
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Fertilize dry shrubs right

You will be satisfied with the desire for a high level of nutrient supply if you fertilize the Lantana weekly from March to September. Alternatively, in March, May and July, administer a slow-release, stick-shaped or conical fertilizer. In October, stop the administration of fertilizer so that the plant ripens before hibernation.
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It is the high need for water that makes lantana at the same time susceptible to botrytis, the gray horse widespread in the garden. In particular, weakened by failures in the care plants are among the prey scheme of fungal spores. If a gray mold lawn spreads on the leaves and shoots, there is an urgent need for action. Immediately cut off all affected parts of the plant to dispose of them in the household waste. Put all conditions of cultivation to the test to initiate any improvements. An effective control agent has not been developed so far.
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Often, the lantana is haunted by obtrusive white flies. Klebefallen have proven well against these pests. These glue coated panels hang in the infested plants. The annoying aphids prepare the classic lubricating soap solution.
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A successful hibernation is less sensitive than the tropical origin suggests. Clean up your lavender in time when temperatures fall below 15 degrees Celsius in the fall. Previously, cut off only the withered flowers and any fruits, since the best time for the main cut is at the end of hibernation. So the evergreen trees come alive and well through the winter:

In February / March, cut the lantana vigorously and turn it into fresh substrate. In the following years, you gradually get used to the stressed woodland in sunny light conditions and higher temperatures, before it takes its place in the summer garden from mid / end of May.
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With the help of half-lignified head cuttings, you can breed more lantas in an instant. Cut out flowering shoots with a length of 10-12 cm in the summer to defoliate them in the lower half. Follow these steps:

In the following period keep the substrate constantly slightly damp with soft water. To prevent rot, ventilate the cover several times a day. Drives a cutting fresh, the rooting is successful and the hood can give way. Maintain your pupils during the winter in the bright, cool window seat, like their adult conspecifics. Until next spring, keep vigorous and vigorous young plants in your hands.
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Is alderrope poisonous?

All members of the Lantana genus are poisonous in all parts. Unfortunately, the well-liked Lantana camara leads the toxic ranking. First and foremost, the poison content in the berry fruits is concentrated. Intentional or unintentional consumption manifests itself in dramatic symptoms that resemble poisoning by belladonna. In the family garden and within reach of pets, the ornamental tree has lost nothing. As a gardener, please take this into account by wearing gloves and long-sleeved clothing during all planting and care work.
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Beautiful varieties