Woodruff yourself from seeds

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Grow Sweet Peas from Seed
Video: How to Grow Sweet Peas from Seed


Woodruff yourself from seeds

In many regions of Central Europe, the woodruff can be collected in the forest, especially among beech stands. For use in the kitchen, it can also be sowed relatively easily in pots or in the garden.

The seeds of the woodruff

The seeds of the woodruff are relatively small and form on the tops of the plants as soon as the woodruff's heyday is over in April and May. You can either collect the seeds in the forest or buy them from seed shops. It is ideal for the development of the plants if you sow the seeds as near as possible to the intended location, so that in the first year of planting no transplanting is necessary. This would damage the development of plants and sensitive roots.

The right time to sow woodruff

The woodruff is one of the so-called frost germs, which makes a somewhat unusual sowing time necessary. The best growth opportunities are in aromatic and medicinal plants when seeds are segregated between September and December. On snow-free and not frozen soil, a later sowing is still possible until February. When selecting a location, consider the following factors:

After sowing, cover the seeds only thinly with soil, so that the seedlings can get well in the spring to the indirectly incident sunlight. It is important that you do not reap the plants of the woodruff master after sowing in the autumn or winter immediately next spring, otherwise they are very difficult to spread and propagate at the site.

The multiplication of the woodruff

If all location factors are correct, the care of the woodruff is associated with very little to no effort. The plants sow their seeds with the wind themselves in their neighborhood and also form root shoots. Therefore, the forest plant is also suitable as a groundcover with delicate white flower in the spring.

Tips & Tricks

In the autumn, when you carefully dig up the offshoot of the woodruff with the root and plant it in the garden, you can harvest some stalks for Waldmeister punch or desserts in the following spring.