Woodruff himself multiply and harvest

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make a Self Watering Wicking Bed / Sub Irrigated Planter - Stock Tank Build
Video: How to Make a Self Watering Wicking Bed / Sub Irrigated Planter - Stock Tank Build


Woodruff himself multiply and harvest

In the wild, Waldmeister proliferates at suitable locations almost by itself. The spice and medicinal plant can also be increased relatively easily in the garden.

The propagation of woodruff by sowing

When the Waldmeister's flowering period ends around mid to late May, the delicate white flowers produce relatively small seeds, which increase the plant's location. For sowing in the garden you can purchase seeds of the Galium odoratum in the well-assorted specialist trade. These must be sown at the latest in the fall, if you already want to harvest the first stems of the woodruff in the spring. Take care when sowing on:

Increase the woodruff by division

In wild locations in the forest, Waldmeister often makes extensive carpets, which are dotted with numerous white flowers in the shape of small crosses from mid-April to mid-May. This density of vegetation arises not only by self-sowing of the small seeds, but also by the propagation over Wurzelausläufer. This makes it possible to multiply the woodruff in the garden also by division. To do this, ideally dig out the woodruff on a mild fall day and replace the pieces of rhizome split with the spade at the new locations.

Give the woodruff enough time to spare before the harvest

In order to be able to form a sufficiently large plant pad for a rich harvest at a place in the garden, you should first grant a closed season to freshly planted woodruff. Only then can the sensitive roots develop without disruption and train further plant stalks.

Tips & Tricks

To ensure enough seeds and shoots for self-sowing at the site, you should always leave a sufficient number of stems when collecting them.