Transplanting tulip magnolia - choose the location carefully

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting a Magnolia tree
Video: Planting a Magnolia tree


On transplanting the Tulpenmagnolie can react with flower poverty

Transplanting tulip magnolia - choose the location carefully

Magnolia soulangiana, as the tulip magnolia botanically correct, can be quite high and much wider. Therefore, it may be necessary to implement gnarled and hard to trim tree after a few years. This measure, however, will be well considered, because the Tulpenmagnolie reacts so many times with flowering laziness on transplanting.

Select the site location

If the previous location - for whatever reason - has turned out not to be the case, the tulip magnolia should be transplanted. It should choose a place that meets the needs of the tree - so that the tulip magnolia grows there quickly and you take the implementation not too bad. Magnolias prefer

It is not recommended to have a full sun, because the frost-sensitive trees are too early to do so - with the result that late frost will destroy the flowers. You should also measure the space as generously as possible.

When is the best time to transplant the magnolia?

The best time to transplant is the fall, as soon as the tulip magnolia has dropped off its foliage. However, this should happen so early that the tree has some time to root before the first frost. Even the late spring is suitable for such a measure.

Transplanting tulip magnolia - how to proceed

The magnolia is a shallow-root, whose roots not only lie close to the surface, but can also expand very much in the width. Dig the tree with the help of a grave fork, damaging as few roots as possible. Keep in mind that the above-ground parts should not be trimmed. At best, the planting hole is twice as large as the root ball, and you should have prepared and loosened the soil well at the new location. Improve the substrate with rhododendron or peat soil. Also very important is the careful and abundant casting of the freshly planted tree.


Unfortunately Tulpenmagnolien react to the shock of Umpflanzens happy times with a non-existent flowering. In this case, just help patience until the tree has re-established - which can take several years.