Maintain peppermint on the balcony

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: DIY Rat Control: How to do a basic exclusion with Galvanized Hardware Cloth


Maintain peppermint on the balcony

There are some arguments in favor of peppermint on the balcony. For one, the robust plant thrives almost everywhere. On the other hand, when planted in a pot or bucket, propagation over shoots can be well controlled. Tips for peppermint cultivation on the balcony.

Pull peppermint on the balcony

Sow the peppermint on the spot. Prepare the planter by filling it with nutritious, loose garden soil.

Sprinkle the seeds and do not cover them, because peppermint is one of the light germs. After emergence, separate the plants.

Foothills that you have dug up in the garden, you can also easily maintain in the bucket on the balcony.

The right location is important

Peppermint does not like direct sunlight. Therefore, set up the planter as bright as possible but without sun exposure. The spice herb also grows in the shade, but then it does not become so aromatic.

Peppermint thrives better when the location is a bit sheltered from the wind.

Pouring and fertilizing

Pour the peppermint on the balcony more often, as the soil in the pot dries out more easily.

If the potting soil does not provide enough nutrients, you can re-fertilize. Use only organic fertilizer and never fertilize just before flowering. Then the taste changes.

Peppermint is hardy

Peppermint tolerates minus temperatures in the field well. On the balcony she needs some winter protection, because the earth in the pot freezes much faster.

Place the pot on a Styrofoam plate so that the cold can not penetrate from below. Cut the peppermint down completely before winter and cover it with a winter cover.

The branches of conifers have proven to be particularly useful here, as they lose the needles in spring and the plant gets enough light in time for spring.

Tips & Tricks

If you plant peppermint in the garden, you must ensure that it does not spread too much. It forms many foothills that need to be removed on an ongoing basis. The pot on the balcony is a natural root barrier, so you can keep the herbs in good order.
