Precise diagnosis and treatment of tomato diseases

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make diseases disappear | Rangan Chatterjee | TEDxLiverpool
Video: How to make diseases disappear | Rangan Chatterjee | TEDxLiverpool


Precise diagnosis and treatment of tomato diseases

Even with the most loving care, tomato plants are threatened by some devious diseases. The sooner a malady is identified, the more efficient the therapy. Learn about proven treatment methods, in harmony with nature.

Prevent and treat cabbage and brown rot

If the summer is cool and wet, threatens one of the most important diseases for tomato plants with the name herbaceous and brown rot. In the initial stage, brown spots appear on the leaves. It follows a white patina, whereupon the foliage turns black and withered. Within a short time all the fruits spoil, fall to the ground or transform into mummies. How to prevent:

From infected tomato plants, all affected parts are removed. As a biological control agent, an onion peel extract has been proven. In 1 liter of water, leave 20 grams of onion peel for a few days. Brush the brown tincture on the suffering tomato plants. At the same time, strengthen the tomatoes with syringes of horsetail tea, garlic peel and liverwort extract.

Blighting is still a mystery

The causes of the disaster are not completely clear so far. The young leaves turn dark green and deformed. Necrotic spots spread on the older foliage. The end of the song are flowers and tomatoes that turn from the top into an unappetizing black.

The scientists assume the end of life blight of a deficiency. An adequate dose of nutrients and carbonate of lime should provide remedies.

Annoying green collar disease - neither beautiful nor dangerous

If a green collar remains on an otherwise satiated tomato, green-collar disease has struck. This assumption is reinforced when the pulp in this area has a hard consistency. Although the consumption is safe, no one wants to harvest tomatoes with green collar. How to prevent:

Fight mildew on tomato plants with vehemence

Powdery mildew fungus has been increasingly affected by tomato plants in recent years. In particular, humid-warm weather conditions promote a vigorous infestation pressure. From seemingly harmless white spots, a white mushroom lawn develops on the leaf surfaces. Although the fruits are unaffected, they suffer considerable damage due to impaired foliage supply. How to combat the fungal infection:

Tips & Tricks

Penible cleanliness from cultivation, effectively prevents infection. Disinfect the tool with methylated spirits or high-percentage alcohol before each operation. All pots should be rinsed with hot soda water before use.