When is the right time to set Tagetes

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How To Grow Marigold From Seeds (With Full Updates)
Video: How To Grow Marigold From Seeds (With Full Updates)


Tagetes should not be planted outside until May

When is the right time to set Tagetes

Already in early spring, you will receive early tagetes in the garden trade. Since these already bear their pretty, orange-red flowers and many buds, it is tempting to plant the little beauties directly into the garden. However, this could be fatal, because at Tagetes it depends on the right planting time.

The marigold is warm-loving

Originally, the Tagetes thrives on the sun-drenched and rather dry mountain slopes of South America. Here the temperature never goes below freezing. Accordingly, even in our gardens awake hybrids are very sensitive to frost.

Only plant when no cold threatens

The marigold should then be planted in the field when there are no more night frosts. In most regions, this is only the case after the Ice Saints.

Prefer in the house

If you would like to grow the marigold yourself, you can start the cultivation in March. On the windowsill, the seed grows quickly and develops into vigorous young plants within a few weeks.

These may only after the Eisheiligen into the open. It is important to accustom the pupils carefully to the changed conditions. On warm days, place the pots first in a partially shaded spot on the balcony or terrace. Only when guaranteed no more frosts are the small student flowers implemented in the bed.


You can easily win the seeds of Tagetes yourself. In the autumn, let some flowers dry on the plant, snap them off and shake out the tiny seeds.