Oleander gets yellow leaves - causes and antidotes

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Oleander poisoning
Video: Oleander poisoning


Yellow leaves can be a sign of nutrient deficiency

Oleander gets yellow leaves - causes and antidotes

Basically, yellow leaves on the oleander are a completely normal phenomenon and no cause for concern. Although this plant is an evergreen species, the foliage is also subject to aging and is discarded after two to three years and replaced by fresh leafy green. However, other reasons than the cause listed here can lead to a yellowing of the leaves.

Early article Next article Fertilize oleander properly

Inappropriate location

Oleander loves a warm place in the sun, which should also be protected from the wind. Wind does not tolerate the Mediterranean plant, it turns yellow. Another problem is a relocation, for example when clearing from winter to summer quarters. Such should always be done carefully and in stages, so that the plant can get used to.

nutrient deficiency

If quite a few leaves turn yellow in a short time, this may indicate a lack of nutrients. The oleander is one of the heavyweights and must therefore - especially if it is cultivated in the bucket - fertilized regularly. In the case of insufficient fertilization, the yellow leaves are an indication of a deficiency, often of nitrogen and / or potassium. Fertilize oleander during the growing season at least once or even twice a week with a good flowering plant fertilizer.

water shortage

In its natural habitats, the oleander likes to grow on riverbanks, which are flooded from time to time. So the plant is used to having wet feet often. Oleander needs a lot of water and as one of the few species tolerates waterlogging. If there is a lack of water, the leaves may turn yellow and eventually be thrown off.

Warm wintering

Another common cause of the yellow leaves of the oleander may be overheating, such as when you place the plant in the warm living room in the cold months. In winter, the evergreen oleander needs a rest, so you should put it in a cool but frost-free and bright place. The winter lack of light can cause yellow leaves.


If other causes are not possible, check the size of the bucket once. Choose the bucket size as large as possible, as the roots of the oleander need space. In addition, the plant should be repotted once a year.