The most common diseases and pests of oleander

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Diseases of Oleander Bushes
Video: Diseases of Oleander Bushes


Lice like to have oleanders to eat

The most common diseases and pests of oleander

Actually, oleander are very easy-care plants that grow and thrive in their warm home regions without any special measures. However, as the shrubs are not sufficiently hardy for us, they are preferably cultivated in pots here in Germany. However, this attitude favors a whole range of different diseases, as bucket oleanders are often weakened due to incorrect or lack of care and are therefore more susceptible to pathogens and pests.

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Common diseases and how to treat them

Some diseases - mostly caused by bacteria or fungi - are very common in oleander. In many cases, you get the pathogens already with the purchase of a new Oleanderstrauches in the house, which is why an initially insulating attitude of the new addition makes sense - thus prevent a spread of infection in other plants. Diseases introduced in this way become noticeable very quickly and, the sooner you recognize and combat them, they can get a good grip on them. As a precautionary measure, you can only take care to care for the oleander as conscientiously as possible and to give them a warm and sunny spot without drafts. In addition, preventive spraying with fungicides is possible, which is usually done in the fall. However, many oleanders are very sensitive to fungicidal pesticides.

Oleander Crab (Pseudomonas)

Oleander cancer caused by Pseudomonas bacteria is one of the most common diseases. Basically, almost all oleander are already infected with the pathogens, the disease does not always break out. The following characteristics are typical:

A fight is only possible with strong cutting measures, in which you cut back affected plant parts far into the healthy wood. Effective, approved for the home garden pesticides are unfortunately not. In addition, the disease will most likely recur once it breaks out - the bacteria are in the plant and can not be removed.

Dry rot (Ascochyta)

The dry rot is caused by fungi and usually occurs as a result of overwintering or after a rainy summer. Here, too, the flowers are first affected, which dry up and fall off. As the disease progresses, the symptoms also show in the shoots and migrate from there to the roots. Once the roots are affected, the oleander is usually beyond saving. Even in this case, a fight is possible only by a radical pruning far into healthy wood. Take action as soon as possible to prevent the fungus from reaching the base. However, preventive measures with fungicidal spraying are possible here, so that an infection does not even take place. The appropriate funds are best injected in the fall. Incidentally, to minimize the likelihood of infection, oleander should never be cut in the fall - the resulting wounds are ideal entry ports for fungi and other pathogens.

Gray horse (Botrytis)

The gray mold caused by the botrytis fungus exclusively affects the flowers of the oleander, preferably in the varieties with the filled flowers. The disease occurs mainly in winter quarters, but also in humid and warm summers or at high humidity. As a precaution, you can inject antifungal agents or pluck the oleander flowers before placing them in winter quarters. Even in rainy summers, it may be useful to remove blooms and eliminate risk factors. If you prefer to buy self-cleaning oleander varieties, they are usually much less sensitive to gray mold than others.

Common pests and how to treat them

Especially during the winter months, it often comes to an infestation with various sap insects sucking insects. Oleander is particularly susceptible to spider mites and the like because of the less than ideal conditions during the cold season. Therefore, it is important to control the plants regularly and to intervene in time - the sooner you notice and control an infestation, the faster the annoying animals disappear again ,


These stubborn pests are found only on the soft shoots of Oleanders, but especially on the inflorescences and on the new shoots. The problem is all the sticky excretions of the aphids, because they can promote a fungal attack (especially with sooty mushrooms). Aphids can be sprayed with a sharp jet of water, for example under the shower. The treatment should be repeated several times.

spider mites

These tiny little animals are very hard to spot, because as soon as the typical fine webs are visible to the naked eye, they have already spread extensively. Spider mites can be - even preventively - treated very well with pesticide-based pesticides.

Wool and mealybugs

These also very common plant lice can be well combated with rapeseed oil-based agents, alternatively, the regular wiping with a lube solution also helps.


When the oleander throws off its buds, often the lack of light - for example due to a bad weather period - the cause.