What should be considered when transplanting ferns?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Transplanting Ferns 🌿
Video: Transplanting Ferns 🌿


If the fern is too big, transplanting is a good alternative to removal

What should be considered when transplanting ferns?

Many ferns are considered demanding in their care and are sensitive to relocation. Nevertheless, transplanting a fern does not necessarily mean that it is received. With the following indications, the chances are great that he will survive the Umpflanzaktion well.

Convert before the new drive

The long-lived ferns should not be implemented for many years if possible. If there is no other way, the transplanting should be done in early spring before the re-emergence of the fronds. Ideal is the period between February and March. Who transplanted his fern in the autumn, should set great store by protecting him from frost.

Choose a new location

Before you get down to business, choose a suitable location. Once again you do not want to transplant the fern, right? The location for the fern should be shady to partially shaded. Places under shady conifers or other sparse trees may prove to be well suited.

Prepare the soil well at the new location

If the location is fixed, the soil should be prepared there:

Transplant step by step

Before digging, you should know if your fern has shallow or deep roots. Most species have shallow roots such as bracken. With a digger fork you can lift out the root system.

After that, the fern may be split and freed from old roots. After he has arrived in his new domicile and covered with earth, he is poured. It is even better to send the root ball shortly before planting in a bucket of lukewarm water on diving station.

In the first winter, it is recommended to cover the fern with a protective layer of foliage and / or brushwood, for example. It takes some time until it is properly rooted and is frost sensitive as long.

Tips & Tricks

At the wrong time even ferns in the pot take a turn or turn bad and boycott this with browning fronds.