How do you increase pansies?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To keep your Pansies looking Full and Flowering all season long
Video: How To keep your Pansies looking Full and Flowering all season long


Pansies form seed capsules after flowering, through which they multiply

How do you increase pansies?

The two-year-old pansies are best reproduced by seeds. The perennial varieties can also be multiplied by division. The seeds are bought or harvested from your own plants, which can also sow themselves.

Most pansy and hornbeam varieties are biennial. This means that the plants flower in the following year after sowing and then enter. You can simply leave the sprouted pansies to stand until the seed capsules form, from which you can gain seeds. However, the resulting plants may have different properties in terms of

have as the mother plants. It is related to the fact that most breeds are F1 hybrids whose seeds often do not really fall.

Propagation by sowing

When sowing, it should be noted that the seeds are dark germs. They are sown about 1 cm deep, after about 1-2 weeks they already germinate. The soil should be kept evenly moist, too sunny a location should be avoided. After about four weeks, the seedlings can be separated. When the little pansies are about 5 cm tall, they are transplanted to their final location in the garden.

When does the sowing take place?

In order to enjoy flowering pansies in the autumn of the same year, you have to bring the seeds into the soil until July. The first flowers then appear in October / November and remain in the mild winters until the spring. Sowing for the spring and summer flowering of the following year is between August and September.

Propagation by division

In contrast to the short-lived pansies, the hornbills are often offered as perennial shrubs. They tolerate a vigorous pruning after flowering. In order to keep the growth of hornbeams compact, the cut-back plants should be split and transplanted to the new location.

Tips & Tricks

The self-made pansies are more resilient. When buying seed, make sure you have a good winter hardiness, which is especially characteristic of the horned violets and wild pansies.