Plant pillared fruit and enjoy fresh fruit from the tree

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
This Crazy Tree Grows 40 Kinds of Fruit | National Geographic
Video: This Crazy Tree Grows 40 Kinds of Fruit | National Geographic


It may be useful to tie the pillar fruit at the beginning

Plant pillared fruit and enjoy fresh fruit from the tree

The dream of having fruit from your own garden or even from the terrace does not always have to depend on adequate space. Even on a small area can yield with pillars fruit that make the heart of the vitamin-loving garden lovers beat faster.

How to choose the right plants

Meanwhile, there is a fair selection of pillar fruit in the specialized trade to acquire. But important is the knowledge that not all of these plants keep their pillar shape on their own. Often, even with these trees, cutting measures are indispensable, especially if the plants should not exceed a certain height. Also, make sure that the plants, as described, are resistant to certain diseases.

Which locations are suitable for column fruit?

Basically, the pillar varieties of apple or pear trees also need a sunny spot for healthy growth. If one of these is not available, shadow strawberries, blackberries or, according to their name, can thrive in the shade or shadow. Very windy locations can make fruit trees in the pot dangerous. These can sometimes be stabilized but simply with a suitably large planter and stones inserted therein.

What should be considered when planting and transplanting column fruit?

When planting and transplanting column fruit, you should always make sure that the roots of the plants are not injured as possible and do not dry out. The planting hole in the garden should always be dug out a bit larger than necessary and then filled up with loose substrate. Slow-release fertilizers such as compost and horn shavings can also be mixed in at this time. After planting or repotting, the soil must be gently pressed and the air around the roots flushed out by vigorous casting.

How can rose fruits be propagated?

Since column fruit, like other fruits, has to be grafted to a certain "substrate", it is not as easy to propagate as many other garden plants. However, if you want to get involved in the adventure of your own attempts at refinement, the members of regional orchards and horticultural clubs are usually happy to assist you with helpful tips and practical tips. The finer points of refinement are easier to understand in practice than by mere theory.

What is the planting time for pillar fruit?

Ideally, column fruit is planted in the autumn, but today's container goods can be planted in frost-free weather almost around the year. Extreme heat and dry phases should be avoided, also the roots must not dry out during implantation and transplanting.

What should be considered during flowering and harvesting?

During the flowering and harvest season, you should use your pillar fruit:

As pillar fruit often produces a great deal of fruit, problems can arise when ripening. You will therefore receive better quality if, with a heavy heart, you renounce part of the fruit from the outset.

Which substrate is suitable for column fruit?

Since the term "pillar fruit" is a collective term based on the plant form, the question of the right substrate can not simply be answered on a flat-rate basis. However, it usually does not hurt to enrich the normal garden soil with mature compost already at the planting and also to avoid waterlogging as far as possible.

At which distance can beearea be planted?

Most tree fruit trees develop over the years side branches, which you can shorten as a gardener to a length of about two to four pairs of leaves. Thus, even with an intended use as a screen enough light and air on all leaves, a planting distance of about one meter between the plants should not be fallen below.


When planting column fruit, always make sure that the highly visible processing plant is never covered by soil. Otherwise it can lead to decay, can sometimes enter through the plants completely.