How much care do pansies need?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Grow and Care For Pansies |Everything You Need To Know|
Video: How To Grow and Care For Pansies |Everything You Need To Know|


Pansies do not need a lot of water

How much care do pansies need?

Pansies are among the undemanding and robust flowering plants. With a minimum of care they bloom tirelessly throughout the spring. However, those who devote a bit more time to them will be rewarded with a long-lasting flowering into late summer.

Early article Pansy plant now! Next article Extend the flowering of the pansies

Pansies are small and compact grown flowering plants that reach a stature height of about 20 cm.They can thrive in pots, window boxes or outdoors. Depending on the variety, they need a sunny or partially shaded location and a humus-rich garden soil. A few care rules should be followed, regardless of whether you prefer or buy your own seeds.

What is the water requirement of the pansy?

Water consumption is relatively low. Outdoor vigilant plants can survive well dry and wet periods. In boxes awake plants should be kept evenly moist; Care should be taken that no waterlogging forms, as this can lead to rot.

Need pansy fertilizer?

When fertilizing as in casting applies: less is more, pansies are weak. The plants that are awake in containers may be moderately fertilized during the main flowering period. The outdoor plants are sufficient for compost enriched garden soil.

Are cutting measures required?

Even if it seems a little tedious, regular cleaning is a great advantage for long-lasting flowering. In this way you stimulate your pansies to ever new flowering. The perennial horned violets also tolerate a more vigorous pruning after flowering.

Are pansies susceptible to pests and diseases?

Although the pansies are quite robust, they can still be afflicted by aphids and fungal diseases, such as gray mold, true and downy mildew. Remedy - if it seems worthwhile - the old proven home remedies, such. B. Sprays of lavender and tea tree oil in aphids or garlic / onionsoud with mildew. In the case of heavy gray mold, only immediate removal and destruction often help to prevent further spreading.

Do pansies need winter protection?

Pansies are more or less hardy depending on the variety. Very cold winter without snow damages the young plants. In addition, a location in full sun in winter can cause dehydration. Therefore, the outdoor plants should be protected with leaves, brushwood or fleece. Hibernation in the window boxes is not possible.

Tips & Tricks

The pest infestation can be prevented by, for example, provides for beneficials in the garden and promotes mixed cultures.