As beautiful as it is comfortable: a rock garden in the raised bed

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Beautiful DIY Raised Garden Beds in 3 MIN!  - How to Build
Video: Beautiful DIY Raised Garden Beds in 3 MIN! - How to Build


A rock garden does not have to be big to have an effect

As beautiful as it is comfortable: a rock garden in the raised bed

A raised bed is a very practical thing, not only for people with back problems. It simplifies the care of the garden immensely, because you no longer have to bend down when planting, weeding and other maintenance work. Instead, find your garden at a comfortable working height. Of course, the desired rock garden can also be realized in a raised bed - or you can integrate it in a suitably designed landscape.

Build a raised bed

To build a raised bed is basically not that complicated: you just need a border at the desired height, which is filled with shredded branches, compost and uppermost lean rock garden earth. Usually, the raised bed box consists of wooden slats, but can also be made of other materials.

Gabione with rubble as a border

Visually appealing, especially for a planned rock garden, is about a gabion filled with quarry stones. This means baskets in different lengths and widths, which are filled with stones and thus represent a very simple to design stone wall. For that reason alone, these are wonderful for a rock garden, because moisture can easily run off and waterlogging is thus prevented. Alternatively, a dry stone wall is very well suited for the border of a raised bed.

Raised bed embedded in a rock garden

Of course, you can set up the raised bed singularly, for example as a highlight on the lawn or next to the terrace. In addition, such can also be an integral part of a larger - for example, hangabstützenden drywall - realize. There are many design possibilities, whereby a raised bed can also be set up with little available space. It may look very different within an already existing rock garden, for example, if the raised bed is integrated, perhaps with very rare mountain plants, almost as a micro-landscape within the larger ones.

Plant a raised bed as a rock garden

Basically, the same rules apply to planting the rock garden raised bed as to planting a regular rock garden. With one exception: Due to the smaller space available, you may prefer to choose smaller plants, while upholstery plants can grow well beyond the borders and hang down on the walls. For example, Polsterphlox, one of the typical rockery cushions, is very well suited for this purpose. There are also small-sized species that are wonderful for a raised bed.


Mediterranean herbs and various types of grasses with their interesting leaf colors are also very good in the raised bed rock garden.