Under what conditions can basil overwinter?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to save basil plants overwinter in a small space
Video: How to save basil plants overwinter in a small space


Under what conditions can basil overwinter?

Native to tropical regions, basil does not tolerate frost. Hibernation in the open air is therefore doomed to failure. Nevertheless, competent hobby gardeners bring the weed under certain conditions through the cold season. That's how it works.

Previous article Successfully propagating basil by sowing and cuttings

Targeted variety selection creates the best conditions

It is a well-known fact that basil from the supermarket is only viable for more than a week if kept in optimal condition. Hand-seeded herb plants already have a much more robust constitution. For the perennial culture, however, only a few varieties of basil come into question. Promising candidates are these:

This is how the overwintering succeeds

If you are cultivating basil in the pot in the garden and on the balcony, carry the plant into the house in time for the first frost. Ideally, resettlement takes place when temperatures drop permanently below 10 degrees Celsius. With this care you bring the king weed through the cold season:

If basil meets these conditions, the plant delivers an aromatic harvest during the winter. If you cut whole shoots to the next leaf-axel, the king-weed thrives diligently and develops a branched habit.

Tips & Tricks

The robust African shrub basil survives the winter even in the dark location at temperatures of 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. In this case, the plant stops growing so as to be poured little and not fertilized. Brighter and warmer as of March, the king's cabbage again drives out.