Help, my ginkgo gets yellow leaves!

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ginkgo Biloba Pre-Bonsai Care & Info
Video: Ginkgo Biloba Pre-Bonsai Care & Info


If the ginkgo turns yellow in the summer, something is wrong

Help, my ginkgo gets yellow leaves!

The ginkgo tree is considered easy to maintain, but is not very straightforward. So it does not belong to the deciduous but to the coniferous trees, although it carries optically foliage. Its leaves turn bright yellow in autumn before they fall off.

In summer, most species of ginkgo are fresh green, but there are also variegated varieties with yellow-green striped, sometimes some yellow leaves. If all leaves turn yellow, then your ginkgo is definitely not feeling well.

The cause is usually due to the supply of water and / or nutrients. Neither too much nor too little water gets the ginkgo well and he responds sensitively to an excess of fertilizer and lack of light.

Possible causes of yellow leaves:


If your ginkgo suddenly gets yellow leaves, then you first control the moisture of the soil.