So masterfully place basil in vinegar, oil and salt

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
8 Healthy Salad Dressings (REALLY QUICK)
Video: 8 Healthy Salad Dressings (REALLY QUICK)


So masterfully place basil in vinegar, oil and salt

A perfectly cultivated basil plant should be harvested constantly, so that no flower forms. The question arises, where to go with the harvest surplus. We have some culinary tips on how to put king cabbage in vinegar, oil and salt.

So you conjure up delicious basil vinegar

Instead of drying basil cumbersome, the delicious herb is wonderfully pickled in vinegar. The following recipe may serve as a guide to spice things up with your own epicurean ideas:

Store the sealed bottle in a dark, cool place for 8-10 days. Finally, sift through the basil vinegar and pour it into a fresh, freshly-cleaned bottle.

Put basil in oil - that's how it works

Do you have two hands full of juicy basil leaves too much? Then they are quickly put into oil. Just fill in the food processor and chop. While the appliance is running, add 7 to 8 tablespoons of olive oil - ready. The mixture can be kept well in a small glass jar in the refrigerator or frozen in the ice cube container.

A clever solution - making basil salt yourself

If the basil harvest was particularly sumptuous, an equally clever and delicate idea of ​​preparation comes into play. Simply place aromatic king's cabbage in salt. The result is a spicy food that trumps any conventional salt. How to do it right:

As the basil salt dries, it is turned occasionally. That way, it can not clump up. The finished, now green salt fill immediately in the salt shaker.

Tips & Tricks

Whether pickled in vinegar, oil or salt - filled in a decorative glass container with a pretty ornament, hold an individual gift in your hands. With home-grown and prepared basil as a souvenir or gift you are exactly in the trend of the time.