The Spurblume: Facts about the care

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Spider flowers thrive both in the bed and in the pot

The Spurblume: Facts about the care

The spur flower (Centranthus) is grown despite its Mediterranean origin since the Middle Ages in Central European castle and monastery gardens. At a selected and prepared location the cultivation of the thankful flowering plant is not very time-consuming for the gardener.

Next article Cut the spider flower correctly

How regularly should you water the spurflower?

The spur flower is sensitive to waterlogging in the soil, which is why it should be cultivated in a location with well-drained soil or in the area of ​​sunlit dry stone walls and rockeries. Nevertheless, the soil must not dry out completely. During prolonged periods of dry, daily sparing watering may be appropriate during flowering. This should be done only in the morning and evening hours, so that the flowers do not "burn".

When is a safe repotting of the spurflower possible?

The best time to repot is in the spring, when the plant just starts to exorcise. At this time, propagation by root-sharing is also required to rejuvenate older specimens and obtain vigorous offshoots. After splitting and / or transplanting, the plants should be sufficiently watered.

At what time and how is the spur flower cut?

Since the spur flower is naturally only about 80 centimeters high and also grows rather compact, a pruning to limit the size actually not necessary. However, it may be useful to cut off the withered flowers immediately after flowering, when self-sowing in the garden is undesirable. In addition, a slight pruning down to the leaf material after the first flowering can stimulate a second flowering period from August to fall.

Which pests or diseases are problematic for the spurflower?

The spurflower is usually very resistant to disease and also usually has no special infestation with pests. On the contrary, spider flowers often attract numerous beautiful butterflies to their nectar-rich flowers.

Should spider flowers be fertilized regularly?

Spider flowers generally do not require special fertilization because they are rather frugal. Therefore, occasional composting as a nutrient supply is sufficient in a sufficiently permeable subsoil.

Can spur flowers be overwintered?

The Centranthus species, which originate from the Mediterranean, have no problem during the winter in the ground, even with frosts down to minus 20 degrees. Around the winter, however, the following factors have to be considered:


The flowers of the spur flower bloom not only in the garden quite enduring, but can also be perfectly used as cut flowers for the vase. As with the removal of already faded inflorescences also the cutting of individual flowers for the vase stimulates a new formation of further flower buds in the same year.