Transplanting summer lilac - That's how it works

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Transplanting summer lilac - That's how it works - Garden
Transplanting summer lilac - That's how it works - Garden


In autumn after flowering is the best time to replant the summer lilac

Transplanting summer lilac - That's how it works

There are many reasons why transplanting the summer lilac might be necessary. Be it because the plant does not feel comfortable in its current location, or simply because it has become too big. But maybe you just want to redesign the garden, which is why the summer lilac now has to give way. As a rule, the shrub can be implemented easily and grows quickly with the right care.

Autumn is the best time

For a successful transfer you should dig up the summer lilac best during its resting phase. During the growing season, the plant might quickly resent you for doing so, but in the fall - best in the months of October to November, when the ground is still warm - nothing should stop such a move. If this is not possible, the shrubs can be transplanted in early spring, if possible even before the sprouting in March or April. The prerequisite for this, however, is that the ground is already free of frost.

How to move a summer lilac - step by step

Before the actual conversion, cut the summer lilac back by about a third. This measure is important to maintain the balance between the upper and lower parts of the crop. After all, part of the roots always gets lost during transplanting, whereby the remaining ones in turn can no longer sufficiently supply the above-ground shoots. A pruning prevents this. It continues as follows:

The adhering soil can remain calm on the plants, it facilitates the summer lilac growing in its new location. There, mix a generous handful of horn chips and compost under the excavation for an optimal start.

Careful care facilitates growth

In order for the summer lilac to grow properly, you should water it vigorously after planting and provide plenty of water in the following days. Be careful not to cause waterlogging. When transplanting in the fall you protect the converted summer lilac by mulching the root disk against unfavorable weather conditions, to which it will be more sensitive than usual.


The cut wood and shoots can be used to propagate the flowering shrub.