Waterless flowering - beginning and end

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Waterless Flower Documentary Film
Video: Waterless Flower Documentary Film


The main flowering time of water lilies is in June

Waterless flowering - beginning and end

In the summer, water lilies create a literal sea of ​​flowers on ponds and lakes. With their flowers, they can take the entire water surface and provide romantic-dreamy accents. But when exactly is its heyday?

Previous article Planting water lilies in the pond - like a pro Next article Waterlily: Overwinter native and tropical specimens

From early summer to late summer

If the spring is mild, the first water lily blossoms open in May. Usually, most species are in full bloom in June. The flowers have these characteristics:

Duration of flowering

The duration of flowering depends on the type and location of the plant. Some species flower for only a few days, others several weeks to months. The heyday of the white water lily, for example, lasts until September.

On average, the flowers of water lilies are open for 3 to 7 days. The reason why the flowering time can last for several months is that new flowers are being formed again and again. There are also species, such as tropical species with blue flowers that bloom only at night and have closed their flowers during the day.

What you can do to increase your flowering time

Already when planting the flower is forced. A location with at least 6 hours of sunshine per day, in a calm water that is not too shallow, is important. After hibernation you should fertilize your water lilies. In addition, it is advisable to regularly divide these plants.


If your water lilies are not blooming, it's mostly because the plants are too dense and the leaves are tightly packed, leaving no room for flowers.