The Schneebeere or Knallerbse - A profile!

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Schneebeere Korallenbeere
Video: Schneebeere Korallenbeere


The Knallerbse originates from North America

The Schneebeere or Knallerbse - A profile!

The Schneereere or Knallerbse belongs to the ornamental shrubs that thrive in almost every garden. Often the shrubs grow wild at forest edges. In the garden they are suitable for bird hedges or as individual plants under trees or in shady locations.

The Schneebeere or Knallerbse: A profile!

Robust, easy-care and disease-resistant

Snowberries do not need much sun, nor does the soil need to be very nutritious. The care is also limited. Fertilizing and watering is necessary at best with freshly planted snow berries. Older plants can do without care.

Occasional cutting is used to shape the fast-growing shrub.

Snowberries are very rarely attacked by diseases. Rather, once aphids can be a problem. However, they can be very well controlled by lye from soft soap, stinging nettle broth or Rainfarntee.

Snowberries tend to proliferate

Above the subterranean sprouts, snowberries spread quite quickly in the garden, especially when the ground is very dry.

So that the pea peas does not proliferate too much, you should remove the creepers regularly.

Popular varieties of snowberry


The Knallerbse is only planted in Europe since the 19th century, but has settled in very quickly here. The berries were formerly used as a purging and laxative. However, this is not recommended because of the toxicity.