When do Ranunculus have season?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to save Ranunculus Corms for next season | Digging and Storing Ranunculus Bulb
Video: How to save Ranunculus Corms for next season | Digging and Storing Ranunculus Bulb


Garden candles bloom in mid-May

When do Ranunculus have season?

Ranunculus belong to the plant family of the buttercup family, are poisonous and convince superficially with their rose-like flowers. If you want to buy them as cut flowers or admire them in the garden with flowers, you should know when exactly they have season.

Greenhouse Ranunculus - from January

In the Netherlands, ranunculus are grown in greenhouses. Due to the permanent warmth, the plants planted there will blossom in January. The cut flowers are packed and sent to the world. In Germany, they are then available from January to about May in the trade or at florists.

The cut flowers are ideal for colorful spring bouquets. Almost simultaneously with the season of ranunculus, the season of daffodils begins. Both flowers together in a vase make a harmonious picture.

Garden ranunculus are in summer season

After the season of the cut ranunculus is over, the season of garden ranunculus begins. The flowers start around mid-May. Over several weeks, they can be viewed. Normally, the flowers are withered towards the end of July.

Extend the flowering season

You can extend the flowering season of the ranunculus in your garden with a few simple twists:

As soon as the season of flowers is over, you should gradually reduce the amount of fertilizer. Even the casting can be omitted once. So that the tuber can prepare for the winter, the soil should now sometimes be dry. If the old stems and leaves are yellowed, they can be removed.


The season of onions is in early spring. Then they can be planted fresh.