Grow chanterelles with a lot of patience

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
you can grow chanterelles!
Video: you can grow chanterelles!


Grow chanterelles with a lot of patience

Forest mushrooms still resist the persistent attempts of the agricultural industry for a commercial cultivation. The main reason for this lies in the so-called mycorrhiza, a symbiosis relationship, which chanterelles with other plants for mutual benefit.

The location as the most important criterion for the growth of chanterelles

In the open field or even in pails and pots, forest mushrooms like the tasty chanterelles can not be cultivated. While mushrooms have long since been grown on straw bales and in boxes, chanterelles are still commercially obtained from collected forest stands in the wild. With a close look at the conditions for the growth of chanterelles they can sometimes be imitated on their own property.

Certain tree species as a partner of chanterelles

Chanterelles do not grow from the mossy ground in every forest. Since they depend on the symbiotic interaction according to the mycorrhiza principle, certain tree and plant species must be present as a basic condition for chanterelle breeding. Tree species, whose roots typically grow chanterelles, include:

This is how the symbiosis of tree and fungus works

Chanterelles themselves have no chlorophyll, which is why they themselves can not operate photosynthesis for energy. In mushrooms existing enzymes for the breakdown of complex carbohydrates are missing the yellow taste buds also. The mushrooms access the root system of trees, while improving their water supply.

Create conditions for chanterelles in your own garden

Ideal conditions for a mushroom growing of chanterelles are if your garden borders on a forest edge or if you yourself have a certain amount of trees in the garden. With some patience, you can also plant spruce, pine and fir trees and after a few years you can try to settle chanterelles.

Chanterelles and their mycelium

Mushroom pickers know that in the hope of future discoveries they should never tear mushrooms out of their roots. The so-called mushroom mycelium is very sensitive and can produce new fungi when remaining in the soil. Embark on a search for chanterelles in the next forest. If you find what you are looking for, you can carefully remove the lower part of the chanterelles from the ground and start a settlement attempt on your own property.

Spores and food particles

To this day, the breeding of chanterelles still poses a mystery to science. However, it is recommended in relevant circles, as in other fungal cultures so-called vaccination of the soil with spores and Myzelteilen make. So it can possibly lead to success, if you distributed accumulated spores of chanterelles by pouring water or leftovers of chanterelles in small cut form at the root spurs of trees.

Tips & Tricks

If the breeding of chanterelles in your garden is not successful, you do not need to forego tasty mushrooms in winter. In the summer collected specimens of a successful walk in the forest you can dry relatively easily and make it durable.