Fight horsetail in the garden and in the lawn permanently

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to tell if your plant is a horsetail
Video: How to tell if your plant is a horsetail


Horsetail is very persistent

Fight horsetail in the garden and in the lawn permanently

Horsetail or horsetail is very difficult to get rid of. Once he feels comfortable in the garden, you have little chance of permanently destroying him. Weed killers help little. The only effective remedy is to dig up and sift out the soil - and even with this method, horsetail can hardly be kept in check.

Next article Schachtelhalmjauche is an excellent fertilizer

That's why horsetail is so stubborn

Horsetail is one of the oldest plants in the world. Over the course of the millennium, the plant has developed mechanisms to survive even in unfavorable conditions. It tolerates waterlogging, grows particularly well on compacted soil and is incredibly vigorous.

The propagation of horsetail happens in two ways. On the one hand, horsetail rhizomes produce foothills. They grow both vertically in depth and horizontally in width. The shoots are several meters long, so they can even grow under houses.

On the other hand, horsetail does not multiply via seeds. The plant does not produce flowers, but spores ears. The spores are distributed by the wind everywhere in spring.

Natural means of destroying horsetail

All of the natural remedies you use to kill horsetail have the goal of loosening the soil and preventing the soil from overheating. Permeable and loose soils do not like horsetail.

To loosen the soil, sow a green manure. Lupins get very long roots and are therefore particularly well suited. The roots remain in the soil and decompose there, making the soil permeable to water.

Green manure and lime soil

Horsetail does not like dry soil. Make sure that rainwater and irrigation water can seep into the soil well. For very dense heavy soils, you should always create a drainage before you create beds or lawn sow.

Horsetail loves acid soils. If there is a lot of horsetail, check the acidity of the soil. If he is too angry, lime him. This noticeably slows down the rapid growth of horsetail.

Needlework is in demand

The most effective method of destroying horsetail is the excavation of rhizomes. This is not so easy because of the depth of the roots. Not even the removal of the topsoil and a repopulation always help.

But you can curb the growth of horsetail a little by loosening the soil deeply, picking up all rhizomes, and then sifting the soil several times. It can also get smaller root remains from the earth.

Always use a digger fork to dig. With a spade you sting the rhizomes and foothills only in more parts. From each item a new plant can grow.

What helps to remove horsetail in the lawn?

Horsetail in the grass is a real nuisance, because you can hardly get rid of it without completely removing the grass and sowing it out.

It is helpful to scarify the lawn in the spring. As a result, the grass plants are strengthened and form denser carpets that make the horsetail a little heavier. Do not cut the grass too short to keep the ground shaded. If the soil is very sour, lime it. This also contributes to strengthening the grasses.

Some gardeners swear by the darkening of the lawn. A foil is placed over the affected areas and left there for some time. The turf is also brown at the spots, but he usually recovers very quickly. This measure may be worth a try before you remove the entire lawn and create new.

Remove horsetail by weed killer

The use of weed killers is meaningless with horsetail. Chemical agents act on the surface. But as the roots of Horsetail are very deep, the poison does not reach them.

For this reason, avoid using weed killer, as this will hardly do anything and damage all other plants and the garden organisms instead.

Plant horsetail in the pot

Horsetail is valued in natural medicine and cosmetics. As Schachtelhalmjauche he is a very good fertilizer and as a broth he works with mildew on roses.

If you want to plant horsetail in the garden to have a stock, better cultivate the horsetail in the bucket. Then it can not spread over the rhizomes in the garden.

The spore ears should always be cut off as soon as you discover them. Remains of horsetail - whether spores or roots, do not belong to compost. Destroy the leftovers by disposing of them through garbage disposal.


There are some home remedies recommended for removing horsetail, such as tipping hot water over the spot or sprinkling salt or vinegar over the horsetail. These measures can help for a short time - permanently do not remove horsetail with it.