Sour clover - not only edible, but also healthy

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
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With some sorrel, salads can be spiced up visually and tastily

Sour clover - not only edible, but also healthy

The one gardener would rather do without him, as they regard him as a nuisance weed. The other gardeners have learned of its healing properties and know that you can eat it. The former should definitely take a look at the benefits of the sorrel ...

All plant parts are edible

From the sorrel you can eat all plant parts. Both the leaves, which are in the foreground in the kitchen, as well as the flowers, roots, fruits and seeds are edible. Each part of the plant has its own taste facets.

How does the sorrel taste?

Predominantly the leaves are used for consumption. They taste - as the name of the plant already reveals - sour. They also have a slightly fruity, spicy and refreshing component.

The leaves are considered good thirst quencher on warm spring days. But beware: you should not overuse the sorrel! It is toxic in high quantities among others due to the oxalic acid contained (also for animals).

Possible uses in the kitchen

Versatile, the sorrel can be used in the creative kitchen, among others for:

Sour clover can replace vinegar and lemon in food. It is a perfect ingredient for the well-known green sauce and the roots taste excellent as roasted vegetables. The flowers are often used for tea or as a decoration on cold plates and in salads. The fruits, which ripen between May and June, are suitable for insertion.

How does the sorrel work as a medicinal plant?

Take advantage of the sorrel as a medicinal plant! For this you should collect him best in the spring. But do not eat it if you have calcium deficiency. The contained oxalic acid robs the body of calcium. The medicinal plant acts:


Do not eat the sorrel in bulk and daily! In high doses, it is toxic and extremely effective in the body, among others in gastrointestinal discomfort.