The care of the sham flower (Aeschynanthus) - a guide

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lipstick Plant Care Tips & Tricks | Lipstick Aeschynanthus Houseplant Care
Video: Lipstick Plant Care Tips & Tricks | Lipstick Aeschynanthus Houseplant Care


The sham flower only blooms when it feels good

The care of the sham flower (Aeschynanthus) - a guide

The sham flower (Aeschynanthus) is available in numerous varieties. Mostly it is pulled as a hanging plant. The red flowers are a real eye-catcher in every living room. However, the care is not easy. This is how to properly cultivate the sham flower.

How do you pour the sham flower correctly?

In summer, more is poured than in winter. Always pour excess water immediately to prevent waterlogging.

How often is fertilizer?

During the growth phase from March to September you fertilize the sham flower with bioliquid at fortnightly intervals. This should be low in nitrogen. Reduce the recommended dose by half.

When is repotting necessary?

As soon as the previous pot has become too small, pot the potion flower into a new container. The soil is a slightly acidic soil. The shoots break off easily, so you must be careful when repotting.

Does the sham flower have to be cut?

Basically, cutting is not necessary. Too long shoots may be shortened. Always cut after flowering.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Diseases are almost exclusively due to care mistakes or wrong locations. Avoid waterlogging and sudden changes in temperature as the poppy then drops the flowers.

Pests are more common, especially in winter. These are predominantly spider mites and aphids. Ensure sufficient humidity by spraying the leaves to prevent pest infestation.

How is the poppy overwintered?

The Schamblume is not hardy and must be wintered frost-free. You can winter them throughout the year at constant temperatures and high humidity.

If the poppy is not blooming, you should put it at 12 to 15 degrees cooler for two months in winter to encourage flowering.

In winter, the shamrock is only so sparsely poured that it does not dry out completely. Fertilizing is not necessary during the rest period.


Whether the sham flower is poisonous or not, has not yet been sufficiently clarified. It is therefore safer to dispense with the care of the pretty ornamental plant, if children and pets belong to the family.