Is the poppy poisonous or harmless?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dangerous Beauty: A History Of the Opium Poppy
Video: Dangerous Beauty: A History Of the Opium Poppy


Poisoning by the Schamblume are not known

Is the poppy poisonous or harmless?

Whether the sham flower is poisonous, can not be answered unambiguously. There are different opinions. It is therefore necessary to be careful when children and pets belong to the family. In this case, the care of this houseplant should be better avoided.

It is not sure if the poppy is poisonous

There are very different opinions on the toxicity of the sham flower. While some experts consider the plant non-toxic and therefore harmless, others warn against it being toxic.

It may well be assumed that the poppy belongs to the only slightly toxic houseplants. Deaths or serious poisonings have not been reported so far.

Parents and pet owners should still be advised to refrain from the attitude of the poppy better to exclude hazards to children and animals.


There are nearly 200 different types of the poppy. In our latitudes, they are often cared for as a hanging plant. The flowers are tubular and look very decorative.