Mulberry: These diseases infest him

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mulberry pruning in spring (Shelley variety)
Video: Mulberry pruning in spring (Shelley variety)


Mulberry: These diseases infest him

Only healthy plants give the gardener pleasure, the sick do a job. Mulberry trees are clearly in the first category because they are considered resistant and easy to care for. Only dry damages or spider mites may set them and they are usually treatable.

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In principle, the mulberry tree is considered to be relatively resistant to diseases and pests, at least this applies to trees planted in the field. Rolled leaves or unsightly stains on the leaves may indicate damage from dryness or road salt. Relatively rare is an infestation with fungi.

Avoid the use of road salt near the garden, as they can cause damage to your trees even after a few years because they only slowly seep into the soil. If your mulberry tree does not recover from copious amounts of water, you should replace the soil around the tree, fertilize the plant regularly in the near future and water thoroughly.

Parasites of the mulberry tree

As a container plant, the mulberry tree in winter quarters is susceptible to pests such as the spider mite. Make sure that your mulberry tree is cool enough and airy, if possible in an unheated room. Light frost does not hurt him. Since spider mites can not tolerate frost, this is the best way to prevent spider mite infestation.

If you ever discover the fine web of these pests on your plants, then you rinse them off thoroughly, even on the undersides of the leaves. Use as free as possible lime-free water and protect the root ball from the rinse water and the rinsed spider mites.

Lacewing or predatory mites can also help you combat spider mites. You get these helpful beneficials in the specialized trade. Alternatively, you can also use an insecticide based on rapeseed oil, which is also not harmful to the environment.

The best means of combating spider mites at a glance:

Tips & Tricks

The sooner you react to the suspicion of dry damage or spider mites, the easier and more promising is the treatment of your mulberry tree.