Creative design of sandbox

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Sandbox Game Maker Alpha Tutorial - Creating Your First LAND
Video: The Sandbox Game Maker Alpha Tutorial - Creating Your First LAND


A boat-shaped sandbox is a special highlight for children

Creative design of sandbox

When designing a sandbox you can let your creativity run wild. For the little ones, it does not necessarily have to be a classic sandbox in square shape. If you build a sandbox yourself, you not only create a great game opportunity, but also provide an eye-catcher in the garden.

Many ways to make a sandbox

The location is crucial

When designing a sandbox, the location plays an important role. In larger gardens you have more choice than in a small garden piece. If possible, find a place that is not completely sunny. If this is not possible, build a sandbox with cover.

Different shapes

The classic form of the sandbox is a square with a raised frame made of wood. If you are creative and focus on something special, choose other shapes. A sandbox can also be designed around. Oblique shapes are allowed as well as sandboxes, which stimulate the child's imagination. In the form of a ship or as part of a pirate complex, the sandbox is once again so much fun.

Outline of the sandbox

The border of a sandbox does not always have to consist only of wooden slats. Again, you can access to completely different materials.

Rustic is a border of block stems. For small pirates, there is a palisade border. For this, small trunks are anchored vertically in the ground.

Borders made of stone are particularly easy to clean. However, the sandbox should be completely embedded in the floor, so that the children do not stumble and injure themselves on the stones.

Two-piece sandboxes

If you have children of different ages, build a two-piece sandbox. Then you can fill a part with some fine sand, which is suitable for smaller children.

The other part is filled with coarser sand, from which great sandcastles can be built.


The question of which sand is suitable for the sandbox can not be answered easily. It is important that the sand is dimensionally stable, not sharp-edged and free of pollutants of all kinds. Bausand from the hardware store is the cheapest alternative.