The most popular and latest varieties of Begonia

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Rare 100 Varieties of Begonia Plants || Plant Indentification I Begonia Species I Types of Begonia
Video: Rare 100 Varieties of Begonia Plants || Plant Indentification I Begonia Species I Types of Begonia


The most popular and latest varieties of Begonia

Begonias (Begoniaceae) are slate plants. With over 900 species and 12,000 breeding specimens worldwide, they are among the largest plant genera. With a few exceptions, most species are at home in the tropical or subtropical climates and therefore not hardy. Here we would like to introduce the most beautiful varieties of Begonia.

Particularly popular and easy-care Begonias

Wherever they originally came from, begonias are all monoecious with separate male and female flowers and divide into the following three groups.

The rhizome and fiber root-forming begonias are evergreen varieties of Begonia with particularly showy leaves. Nevertheless, some people throw off their leaves in winter. Both species are predominantly cultivated as houseplants. The rhizome-forming begonias, for example, belong.

Tuber begonias are leafy only in summer and spend the winter as a resting tuber. They are originally from Brazil. Particularly well-known are the Begonia semperflorens hybrids or Eisbegonien. As a blossoming, industrious Lieschen always conquered this Begoniensorte the hearts of flower lovers.

Here we introduce the three most popular, whose care is particularly easy to handle.

Single varieties and begonias with special characteristics

In special breeds such as Rosade and Chicago, emphasis was placed on better sun compatibility.
These are among the most beautiful varieties.

Begonia metallica captivates with striking metallic shine on the upper side of the leaf and a strong red color below.
Begonia credneri wants to get up high and makes red flowers already in the first winter.
Begonia corallina hybrid President Carnot is native to Brazil. It blooms, as its name says, coral red on long, hanging grapes. It is suitable as a hanging plant.

Tips & Tricks

Pendula odorate - a begonia for the senses. With her delicate fragrance she enchants your heart. The filled red flowers are an eye catcher on the balcony. Ideal for shady locations.