Autumn anemone - rich autumn bloom by proper care

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting and Pre Sprouting Ranunculus and Anemone Corms in Fall - Cut Flower Garden
Video: Planting and Pre Sprouting Ranunculus and Anemone Corms in Fall - Cut Flower Garden


Autumn anemone - rich autumn bloom by proper care

When location and care are right, fall anemones grow for many years in the same place. The anemone hupehensis, as the Latin name is, is a perennial. This is how to properly cultivate the pretty autumn flower.

Early article Next article Cutting anemones - when and how?

How often do autumn anemones have to be poured?

Keep the anemone hupehensis moist but not too wet. Waterlogging is essential to avoid. If it rains a lot, a rain cover can make sense.

Do autumn anemones need special fertilizer?

Autumn anemones cope with slightly nutrient-rich soils. Before planting, put some ripe compost in the planting holes. In the spring you can also add some compost to the soil.

Can autumn anemones be transplanted?

Autumn anemones form very long taproots, which are easily damaged during transplanting. Therefore, only plant perennials in an emergency, for example because the location is not cheap or the plant just got too big.

Most varieties form runners. These should be tapped and used for propagation.

How do you reduce the size of large perennials?

If the plants have grown very large, it is advisable to dig up the autumn anemones and divide the perennials.

How are autumn anemones cut?

Cut out blooms continuously. A pruning in autumn is not recommended. Wait with the cut until spring. Then shorten all old shoots almost to the ground.

Which diseases and pests should be considered?

In a favorable location caterpillars are the biggest problem. These can easily be collected.

If the leaves show anemone rust, the plant is too moist. Cut off all affected shoots and think about relocating.

Are autumn anemones hardy?

Older specimens of the Anemone hupehensis are absolutely hardy. Only in very windy conditions should you cover them a bit in winter.

Autumn anemones planted in spring are not yet completely hardy. Cover the perennials with leaves, straw or pruning.

Tips & Tricks

Autumn anemones come in many variations. From simple flowers with five leaves, over half-filled to fully filled inflorescences, the palette ranges. As flower colors you can choose between white, pink, pink or bright red.