Is the Christ Thorn susceptible to diseases and pests?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Make Your Crown of Thorns Plant BLOOM Only in 3 WEEKS// Euphorbia Milii Plant Care
Video: Make Your Crown of Thorns Plant BLOOM Only in 3 WEEKS// Euphorbia Milii Plant Care


He does not like his location, he throws leaves

Is the Christ Thorn susceptible to diseases and pests?

Originally from Madagascar, the Christ's thorn is considered to be quite robust and easy to care for. So he is relatively rarely sick or infected by pests. This is not least due to its toxicity, it scares off many of the pests.

Which diseases is the most common to the thorny spike?

One thing that can really upset the Christ's thorn is root rot. Mostly it is a result of waterlogging and / or too frequent watering. As a first aid measure it is recommended to repot the Christ thorn. Remove all rotten and softened root parts and place the plant in dry substrate. Pour the soil very carefully and avoid casting for a few more days.

Fall of the leaves occasionally occurs at the Christ's thorn. If there are only a few leaves at the beginning of drought, then this is no cause for concern. If, on the other hand, all leaves suddenly fall, then you should search for the cause.

You probably do not like your location. It is too warm, too cold or too dark. Put him in a light, airy place, for example in the garden, and he'll recover quickly.

How can I prevent diseases and pests from the Christ's thorn?

The best prevention against pests and all kinds of plant diseases are good care and the right location. If a plant feels comfortable in its place, then it is also healthy and robust.

For the Christ-thorn this means that it stands in a light and warm, well ventilated place. It should be regularly poured but not too abundant, in the dry rest very little. During the growth phase, fertilize your Christ thorn approximately every two weeks.

Tips for maintaining health:


At high humidity, especially in conjunction with heat, mildew can occur. Isolate the infested Christthorn and remove any infested plant parts.