Which diseases occur in redcurrants?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Layering Redcurrants / My Northern Garden
Video: Layering Redcurrants / My Northern Garden


Discoloration on the leaves can be a sign of disease

Which diseases occur in redcurrants?

At a convenient location, redcurrants are easy to care for and rarely get sick. In damp summers and poor care, however, it is more common to fungal infection or other diseases. So you realize what's missing the red currant.

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More common in redcurrant diseases

If the redcurrant is also basically robust, it makes her a bad location and too much moisture to create. In this case, fungal diseases are frequently observed. The most common diseases include:

Little overview of diseases

You can not do much against column rust. The mushroom spores overwinter in pines. In order to prevent a disease of the red currant, all the pines in the area would have to be cut down.

Prevention is better than cure

So that the red currant does not even fall ill, ensure a good location. The earth should be neither too humid nor too dry.

Cut the red currant twice a year, once directly after harvest and a second time in autumn.

Light the shrub well. This makes it more difficult for pathogens to spread.

Pests are also responsible for diseases

There are a number of pests that occur in redcurrants. Therefore, examine the shrubs at regular intervals. This can effectively prevent a heavy infestation.


Never dispose of diseased plant parts such as leaves, fruit mummies or cut shoots on the compost. As a result, the diseases spread to other, healthy plants. Put the leftovers in the trash can or incinerate them if allowed in your area.