The right location for the Christmas rose

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The Christmas rose likes bright but shady

The right location for the Christmas rose

The Christmas rose is absolutely easy to care for. Only two things, the plant, which also tolerates shadow well, really bad. One is a calcareous, compacted plant substrate, the other too warm a place in the middle of the sun. How to find the right location for the Schneerose.

A shady place in the garden

In the garden, a location is ideal that meets the following conditions:

Very well grows the snow rose under deciduous trees or shrubs. They provide shade and fall leaves in the fall, which serves the Christmas rose as a mulch cover.

If you have planted the snow rose under coniferous trees, you must keep an eye on the lime content of the soil.

The right location for Christmas roses in the tub

The bucket with the Christmas rose should be placed in a bright, shady spot on the terrace or balcony. Direct sunshine, especially in summer, must be avoided.

Here the Christmas rose in the house is best

The Christmas rose is not a houseplant and belongs only during the flowering season in the house. During this time, it thrives best when the pot is standing by a cool window. In sunlight, she needs some sunscreen. Even better is a north window.

After flowering, either put the Christmas rose in the bucket or plant it in the spring in a convenient location in the flowerbed.

Tips & Tricks

To loosen up the soil in the flowerpot, put some sand under it. It has also proven useful to mix under the plant substrate small Styrofoam balls. The globules prevent the earth from condensing over time.