Rosemary has lice - What to do?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Herbal Remedies to Treat Lice Naturally
Video: 5 Herbal Remedies to Treat Lice Naturally


Rosemary has lice - What to do?

Rosemary is often attacked by various, leaf juice sucking plant lice. In particular, pests such as the lice and scale lice often occur towards the end of winter, when the plant is already weakened and can offer little resistance.

Aphids at the rosemary

In the case of aphids are quite small, only a few millimeters long insects. They rarely have wings, but a Stechrüssel, with which they pierce the sheet from the bottom and suck out the high-carbohydrate juice. Their highly sugary excretions, the so-called honeydew, attract numerous other pests, such as ants. In addition, the sticky fabric is often colonized by the black smoke fungus, which coats the sheet with a black, greasy layer.

How do you recognize an aphid?

In addition, the pests, usually of black color, are usually readily visible to the naked eye. As a home remedy for aphids, a strong Nettelsud has proven, but must be applied several times and over several days distributed. Soak about one kilo of freshly harvested and finely chopped stinging nettles in about 10 liters of water and leave the mixture for about a day. The nettle toxins of the plant are dissolved out. Furthermore, the elimination of aphids is also possible by means of a soft soap solution.

Wool and lice on rosemary

Lubricants or mealybugs are quite easy to recognize. The tiny, white to pink animals are surrounded by a protective cover that looks very similar to a cotton ball. This cover protects you from predators but also from the cold. Mealybugs are very harmful to an affected plant. Not only do they feed on plant sap and thus weaken the plant, they also excrete a poison. Like aphids, lice honeysuckle excrete pests and fungi. The animals love dry and warm air, which is why they often attack over-wintered rosemary.

Combat lice with home remedies

As a first step, you can cut off severely affected plant parts, the rest of the plant is finally held upside down under a strong jet of water and shed. Then take a clean cloth, which you soak with a soft soap solution or spirit. Thoroughly wipe the whole plant with this cloth. The treatment should be done several times, so that you can really catch all lice and their eggs reliably.

Tips & Tricks

Plant lice infest primarily already weakened plants, which are no longer able to defend themselves, for example due to care mistakes, a wrong location or too warm a place for hibernation. As a preventive measure, keep the humidity as high as possible. B. with the help of a spray bottle.